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We have prepared a list of the most frequently asked questions. If you do not find the answer here, please write us your question.

I’m afraid to work on a business license. I’d rather be hired, it’s “safer”.

You can hardly influence your income when you are an employee earning the set salary. Our goal is to develop a team of people who will have fun with their job, will be successful and make money. The amount of your earnings is up to you and the manager is here to help you start your success. As a TIENS business consultant, you have your work plan, your job, and you have all the sales aids available. You work with your manager/sponsor, who will give you all the advices at any time. Your work program is firmly established and is based on long-term experience to drive you to success.


How does cooperation work?

With each new business consultant, a Sales Representative Agreement is concluded. The contract is concluded in two copies. Once the contract has been signed by the new business consultant, both copies of the contract are sent for signature to TIENS and, after signing, one copy, is sent back to the new business consultant. One copy will be received by you (business consultant) and one copy will be received by the represented company, TIENS.


How can I terminate my Sales Agreements (Dealer Agreement)?

The agency contract is valid and effective from the date of signing by both parties and is concluded for an indefinite period of time. The agency contract may be terminated by written agreement of the parties, withdrawing from this contract for breach of obligations by the other party or by written notice without giving any reason.


What is the main job of a business consultant?

Currently, field sales activities take place as part of a presentation of products and services based on your invitation. Most distributors still work in the form of home presentations, as this sales method is still very successful, and many business consultants and customers are comfortable this way as the personal experience is non-transferable.

Do I have to buy TIENS products in the beginning so I can sell them?

The work for TIENS does not work as a pyramid sale, at TIENS, you do not buy products into inventory and do not put money into it if the products are not actually sold. The sales principle is based on orders from the warehouse.

I do not know TIENS products, do you offer any training?

Of course, no newcomer can know the assortment and quality of the products thoroughly. Of course, training for new business consultants is a matter of necessity. Knowing TIENS products and their quality is indispensable for distributors. All new business distributors should undergo training that is FREE and takes place either as a “day of open door” held every Wednesday at the Prague office or in the form of trainings and seminars throughout the country. As a TIENS

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distributor you will always be informed of the calendar of such events. The protective hand and support in your beginnings should also be provided by your sponsor, under which you will be registered.


I am not a business type.

If you think you are not a business type, there is nothing more to tell you. Come and try. It’s nothing but communication with people, and you communicate with people every day on every step. Communication is a common matter. You will soon feel very comfortable. In addition, TIENS offers a number of practical training sessions where sales professionals can help you with your sales skills.


How much can I earn?

Are you interested in how much you will earn in TIENS?

Simplified, earnings come from two sides:

  1. Percentage of sales of 20-48%
  2. the number of people you are busy with and their activity

You will also have a 48% discount on all TIENS products


Can I earn money with TIENS during a maternity leave, a study or a retirement?

Yes, you can. You do not need a business licence. How to behave financially responsible look for some practical website or even better, consult your tax advisor


How can customers purchase TIENS products?

Very easily. They simply make an order with you either through an order form or online. There is also the possibility of personal pick up at agency warehouses throughout the republic or in the central warehouse in Prague


Does TIENS allow a customer to withdraw from a sales contract and under what conditions?

Yes, and until the 25th of the month when the purchase was made without giving any reason. Furthermore, due to a claim that is governed by the law of each single country. Our company´s philosophy is based on respecting the laws of the countries.

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